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    Magnesium brick manufacturers Magnesium chrome bricks are used in industrial kiln production principles?


    Magnesium brick manufacturers Magnesium chrome bricks are used in industrial kiln production principles?

    Refractory bricks provide people with safety protection in the field of safety, but at the same time, some of the refractory bricks will be partially damaged due to the influence of external conditions. Then we need to maintain and repair these refractory bricks. Generally we know that refractory bricks produced by industrial kiln mainly refer to the repair of magnesia-chrome bricks and spinel bricks. Here are some things you need to pay attention to:


    Magnesium brick manufacturers

     1. Make up bricks must use the same batch of bricks from the same factory as the old bricks;

     2. Whenever possible, use the remaining loose bricks that are overhauled with the old bricks (Note: wet or damaged bricks are strictly prohibited)

     3. The contact surface of new and old bricks must be fired with mud;

     4. Do not punch iron plates between the interface of the old and new bricks;

     5. The joints on both sides of the lock brick can not be beaten with iron plates. The iron plates of adjacent two rings of bricks must be staggered from each other.

     6. The iron plate must be completely penetrated into the brick gap;

     7. The seals of the first several rings of bricks must be inserted from the side, and the last ring of bricks must be sealed by front inserting bricks;

     8. Masonry shall be carried out in strict accordance with the proportion of the design bricks, and the proportion of masonry shall not be changed at will;

     9. Expansion joint cardboard for excavation and repair bricks must not be torn off. Excavation and repair bricks must be wet-laid. Demolition and rebuilding in time;

     10. Do not use (or reduce) processing bricks when possible.

     The principle of digging: dig bricks from the weakest part of the brick, but not more than three rings of bricks. If it is continuous multi-loop excavation, in order to prevent the bricks from loosening, two loops must be excavated before the excavation can be continued. When digging bricks, pay attention to the tightness of the entire ring of bricks. If the bricks become loose overall, stop excavation and repair immediately. Use the brick lock iron plate to tighten the joints on both sides of the loose bricks.


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    Address: Steel Industrial Park, Laobian District Industrial Park, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province   Consulting Hotline: +86-133-5230-7686 +86-153-0417-8351

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